Earthing installations are one of the most critical components in any electrical system. These installations provide a safe path for the dissipation of unwanted electrical currents into the ground, protecting people and equipment from the hazards associated with electrical discharges. It is essential to regularly perform preventive maintenance on these installations to ensure their effectiveness and safety.


At Sofamel, we offer a wide range of options for verifying these installations, from traditional methods to innovative solutions.
• Our ground resistance meter - Digital IER-4000 is ideal for traditional methods.
This method involves the use of auxiliary earthing rods to measure earth resistance. Although effective, it can be a laborious process and requires disconnecting the earth installation, which can cause interruptions in the electrical supply and increase downtime.

• But we also offer innovative solutions like the CRT-1200 resistance tester
This clamp allows measuring earth resistance without the need for auxiliary earthing rods or disconnecting the earth installation. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of interruptions in the electrical supply and improves personnel safety.


In summary, preventive maintenance of earthing installations is essential to ensure safety, reliability, and regulatory compliance in electrical systems. With Sofamel's measuring instruments, the earthing verification process becomes more efficient and safer, contributing to a safer and more reliable electrical working environment.

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