Have you ever wondered why there are more green and landscaped areas in urban environments lately? These spaces undoubtedly help improve air quality and maintain biodiversity and wildlife while increasing the quality of life of the people who live there but today we are going to talk about another great benefit of green spaces: improving the performance of solar panels. Read on to find all the details! 


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What are bio-solar roofs?

Bio-solar roofs, also known as natural roofs, are roofs that combine solar technology and nature; in other words, where photovoltaic panels are installed on green roofs. This also helps convert conventional building roofs into natural areas. 
A photovoltaic system installed on a green roof performs better. Why is this the case? On conventional roofs, installations can reach extremely high temperatures of up to 70 °C, which reduces the performance of the installation and overheats the roof.
According to AIFIm data, performance is improved by up to 3.6%. 

Benefits of bio-solar roofs

Apart from an increase in renewable energy production, bio-solar roofs also provide the following benefits: 

•    Thermal and acoustic comfort: green roofs act as an insulator, thus decreasing the energy consumption needed to condition the interior by up to 14%.  
•    They reduce overheating in cities.  
•    Aesthetic value: they provide cities with a more natural environment, improving the quality of life of residents. 
•    They are a resistant, long-lasting and easy to maintain solution. 
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