
The ME-60S handle is used for mounting or dismounting fuses and other parts, such as grounding equipment components and short circuit protection devices, fuse components, etc.

Accidents during the extraction of live fuses show that there is a very high risk of electrical arc.
Therefore, the extraction handle must always be used in such operations


• The ME-60S universal fuse extractor handle protects your hands and forearms from injuries during the extraction of live fuses.
• Minimizes the risk of electrical arc accidents, one of the leading causes of serious injuries in these operations.

• Designed to mount and dismount NH/NT fuses in a wide range of sizes (000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a), as well as other components like grounding equipment and short-circuit protection devices.

• The ME-60S handle complies with IEC60269-2, ensuring it adheres to international safety and quality standards.

Quality and durability:
• Supplied mounted in a synthetic leather cover, providing additional protection and greater product durability.

Risk prevention:
• Using the universal extractor handle, along with the recommended additional safety components (protective goggles/shields and safety clothing), prevents accidents and ensures a safe working environment.

Ease of use:
• Simplifies the operations of mounting and dismounting fuses, making them faster and more efficient, resulting in time and effort savings for qualified personnel.

Universal compatibility:
• Suitable for a wide variety of NH-type fuses, ensuring you have the right tool for any size within the specified range (000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a).



For more technical information SEE THE PRODUCT >


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