20105 KIT 3 MV-A-SP - 1
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20105 KIT 3 MV-A-SP

Stripping tools


KIT 3 MV-A-SP. Stripping tools
MV armoured cables with strippable semiconductor layer

This toolkit ensures high-quality work, facilitating the process of preparing cables for subsequent connection and use.

The standard kit includes:

  • 400006 universal cable stripper for external insulation LV/MV.
  • Roller chains cutter.
  • 400008 cable stripper for strippable semiconductor layer Ø 16-41 mm.
  • 400024 cable stripper for main layer Ø 54 mm.
  • 400027 tool for chamfering main layer Ø 15-60 mm.
  • 570140 hydroalcoholic towelette.
  • 400029 grease tube.
  • 400005 universal armored cable chain stripper Ø 20-76 mm.
  • High quality case with foam.
Ref. 647
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