Showing 13 to 24 of 49

How green roofs boost solar energy

How green roofs boost solar energy
Have you ever wondered why there are more green and landscaped areas in urban environments lately? These spaces undoubtedly help improve air quality and maintain biodiversity and wildlife while in...

Blast off to a cleaner future

Blast off to a cleaner future
3,2,1... Blast off to a more sustainable future! Today we'll talk about an innovative technology that could change the way energy is generated. Can you imagine if there was a way solar energy coul...

Sun-Ways: Solar energy on rails

Sun-Ways: Solar energy on rails
A smart way to generate renewable energy that makes use of the railway infrastructure: this is the goal of the Swiss company Sun-Ways. The main idea of this innovative initiative is to use the spa...

The potential of agrovoltaics

The potential of agrovoltaics
A new breakthrough in renewables! We never cease to be amazed by innovations in the renewable energy sector; in the past we have talked about initiatives such as new adhesive solar panels, the rei...
Showing 13 to 24 of 49
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